The topics of this year's International Spring School will be presented by the following world-class experts:
Johannes Buchmann
, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Christian Cachin
, IBM, Zurich, Switzerland
Eli Gafni
, UCLA University of California, Los Angeles), USA
Sébastien Gambs
, Université Rennes 1, INRIA, France
Rachid Guerraoui
, EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lauanne), Switzerland
Jean-Pierre Hubaux
, EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lauanne), Switzerland
Anne Marie Kermarrec
, INRIA, Rennes, France
Michael Melliar-Smith
, UCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara), USA
Louise Moser
, UCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara), USA
Parisa Tabriz
, Google Research, Mountain View, CA, USA
Marko Vukolic
, Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France